Cabarat Lion D'Or

Montreal, QC


September.14.2013 : 21:00 // Cabarat Lion D'Or -

THANK YOU to everyone who attended Prohibition! It was a great night, with amazing outfits, performances, and FUN!! Thank you for celebrating 7 amazing years with us! Also a HUGE thank you to our staff, performers, and everyone else who helps make Cirque De Boudoir events possible.

Check out this fantastic video of the performance by Lavender May


Cirque De Boudoir celebrates its 7th Anniversary in style with an opulent and extravagant night where the only thing prohibited is determined by your own inhibitions.

Featuring Montreal’s most talented burlesque performers, DJs, and the hottest guests all under one roof!

PLASTIK PATRIK //www.facebook.com/plastikpatrik

DAVIDÉ //www.soundcloud.com/dj-davide
KHALIL //www.soundcloud.co/khalil-m

BUNNYGUTS //www.facebook.com/bunnyguts

MIMI CHERRY //www.facebook.com/MiMiCherryPerformer
LAVENDER MAY //www.facebook.com/pages/Lavender-May/294410223941313
THE LADY JOSEPHINE //www.facebook.com/LadyJosephineBurlesque
MADRIA //www.facebook.com/pages/Madria/532561696791079

…and more!

Happening at the amazing Lion D’Or, a beautiful 1920’s style venue that is the ideal backdrop for this fully immersive theme party.

Let's Get In Touch!

Cirque De Boudoir :
Montreal's KINKIEST Thematic Dress-up Event

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Book us!

We are available for bookings, including DJs, VJ, Performances, and Dungeons. We are also available for special event creation and booking. Contact us directly!

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